Wednesday, April 28, 2010



People are awesome, funny, personable, there for you, kind, just all around fun to be around. But those same people could also be the worst assholes I’ve ever met. Ex’s in particular are great about doing that. I’m not exactly sure what’s gonna come out of this, whether anyone will read any of it, or why I’m going to post this. But I do know that these things have just been hammering away at my brain..

I am gonna talk shit. People always say it’s bad..but shit has been on my mind lately and it’s not gonna go away unless I get it out..OR maybe the people the shit is on will read this and things can get worked out. All I know is, I made this blog for a reason: to share my thoughts. So here it goes:

Dear Beth,

You are funny. You are very easy to get along with (when you are sober) and you ooze with this innate ability to attract people. I don’t understand how someone as selfish, inconsiderate, rude, and judgemental as you can have so many women FLOCKING to you. It’s shenanigans. When things were good with us, it was good..but when things got bad you just fucking bailed. I admit, I checked out pretty early on. But there is also something to be said about the fact that you made fun of me every step, you shamelessly flirted with other girls while I was in the room, and you were (and still are) the biggest stoner I’ve ever met. So..why does this matter enough for me to write about? Everything I listed above didn’t matter at all until last night. I’ll come clean: I WAS facebook stalking you. But if it’s on the internet, its public domain and I can look if I want. Anyways: I stumbled upon something that indicated that not only did you lie to me about nothing going to happen with Jen, but you are infact DATING. I’m not jealous. Oh man. FAR FROM. But the fact that you lied to me when I had been completely honest with are a dick. One big, veiny dick. So I deleted you. We broke up on the premise that you needed space to figure out yourself. You needed to be single and have time to understand why things were shit in your life. You specifically TOLD me that nothing was going to happen with Jen, that the breakup was simply because of your own faults. God you’re a douche. A lying sack of douche.

The end.

I guess the moral of the story is that if you let people in you have to face the consequences of letting them get so close and then dissapointing you in the end. The coolest people, the sweetest, and the kindest all have the potential to fail you in some way. And me, like an idiot, will keep trying to see the good in those people because if they were the cool, sweet, kind person then they might still be despite the times that they’re being a dick. Maybe I should be more selective on WHO I trust? Maybe I should wait to trust someone until I really know what his or her deal is? I don’t really know. I guess it’s just one of those things that has to come in time and is very situational.

Another point: Emotions suck. What also sucks is when they are unpredictable, slightly overwhelming, and contradicting. The misconception that someone who is emotional can’t control their emotions and can’t be mature about the way life is and its realities…well, it’s getting tiring and I’m sick of having to prove that the two things can exist in one person. Maturity+Emotional ability= ME. So get over yourselves and meet me in the middle with the same amount of respect, honesty, and maturity I gave you.

Relationships and love and liking people…it’s all great, but that’s not the only reasons I have for talking to somebody. Taking an interest in someone doesn’t have to mean that you want to marry him or her.

This might all come across as angry, mean, vindictive..whatever. Take it or leave it and interpret it any way you like. It's just one fat, honest rant.

Das Ende.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

SWEET PICS..and other shtuff.

Just. awesome.

The men I most admire.


I don't read poetry, I don't really even read anymore because I'm too busy to ever actually sit down and do the deed ya know. I have never been to Europe, or even out of this country, I don't do extreme things, and I am a far cry from the coolest person you'll ever meet. I just realize that I think wayyyy too much so: instead of making my friends victims of my rants on love, life, and whatever pops in my head, I'm gonna write and give people the choice! It's a consensual thang.

Here are some slam poetry bits I wrote over the past few days! Enjoy. I am new at this, but I think it' gon' be fun!


Is for the way you Look at me


Is for the only One I see


Is very, VERY, extraordinary


Is for Every motherfucker that says we can’t be together.

Every stare I get when I wear my pride on my sleeve.

Every propostion preventing me from you for forever.

Every job I wont get
Every child I won’t have
Every pissed off parent,
Every beliigerent conservative on my ASS,
Every wedding photo that will never be taken,

Every time my father won’t walk me down
That flower-lined aisle
While the music plays
And my ridiculous, too expensive
Off-white, beaded monster
Trails behind me like the past I’m leaving behind
For my future with the one I love.

But then again, I am my own goddamn person.
I don’t need to be given away.
Like livestock at a slaughter.

You motherfuckers and your restrictions.
You won’t budge for one inch.
You preach, and you bitch..
But there is no equality when basic human rights
Are limited.
Held over my head, just within reach, dangled infront of me, so close!
But never, truly realized.


Short skirts and heels.

That’s what makes a woman.
That’s what attracts a man.
How I should express myself

Short skirts and heels
Leaving nothing for the imagination
Leaving me to wonder
Where I fit.

Nothing fits.
The size 4 designer jeans never fit
Designed to make me feel

The make up
And the lingerie
Make me feel
Out of place.

The girls that catch everyone’s eye
The girls attracting every guy
Why do I

Have to play this game
To stake my claim
Why do I

Have to wear a lipstick stained,
Fingernail polish painted
Giggly, braided, maimed
Telling you I’m interested
To pay attention?

Instead I sit back
Watch the game unfold
As every girl in the room gets picked, except me.

Fuck it.
I don't need it.
I'm TIRED of IT.

But I want it.

I want
some place.

To be the smart
passionate feminist

And still catch
your eye.

My Grandma Rose.

Was a stubborn,






Did I mention old?


She swore,





And then she forgot..

And forgot..

And forgot…

Forgot everything.

And then everyone


About her.

She was there from FDR through Obama

88 years of









From 4 kids to 3 strokes,

Dead husband, dead son.

Dead mother and father.

Dead soul fumbling, barely holding her head above water.

The life she led, up until her death

I’ve never known, even after her last breath.

The empty shell I saw

Was a warning

A call.

Take the fall


Take it all.


Life is a verb

Not a noun

Not just a word.

I may have 10 years

Or 10 seconds

But that life beckons

Which direction?

So many choices

But only 1 to make

Not sure which path to take

Look up it’s here,


Time won’t wait.

I was there.

Standing across the room

From the machines barely keeping her awake


From my father

My sister

My mother and brother.

By her every day

Every night

Every hour she was chained to that bed

By the tubes

And the meds.

Inside my head I cried

I cried.


I won’t even pretend

I saw her last breath


That I remember the last thing she said.

That I even knew who she really was


The things I had come to assume.

The person I had gotten used to.

She had to have been happy once?

This woman I’ll never love.

88 years





Why was she alone

With us

The furthest from her name

Where were her daughters?

Her Grandchildren?

Nobody came.

The shriveled arms

Attached to her old body, a waif

Nothing left except that frail look of desperate pain.

I could tell


Could tell

That it was time.

I finally got the courage

To look her right in the face

To see her leave this place.

But I was too late.

Her pale, paper-thin skin

Eyes shut

Peaceful grin

White, cold body

Stiff, every limb.

The woman, the soul

I’ll never truly know..

Life is not a noun

It’s a verb

Don’t take it for granted.

Don’t let it end like hers.

Every time I fall in love

It’s like writing a symphony

Every time has it’s own pulse



Whether her 16ths fit perfectly

Into the dissonance of my 7th chord frenzy

Or his hands stroke my keys just right


Like the Patethique.

Or the Firebird Suite.


Each has it’s own flow, it’s own melody.

Rich with harmony

Or pasionately fiery.

Every heart beat, the pulse

Every climax, the result

Of built up tension, decay and release

Twisting and turning our tones as we play.

Still incomplete..

We move,





Every change never comes too soon.

Every unique part just as beautiful


Get lost in you like never before

Take my breath away, heart deep in the score

Build up the tension,

build up the fray

Notes get faster and higher

we float away.

Don’t stop

Don’t slow

Don’t end it until every last note has been played.

Don’t go

Until the music fades.

And when it’s done

It’s done.

The passion


The ‘I love you’s’


Leave the stage knowing

This piece, written by us

Will never be played the same

By any other player.



Even though there are still pieces that have yet to be written

Lovers yet to be had

Suspensions yet to be held

Dissonances yet to resolve

Pulses yet to be felt.

But in that moment:

That music was ours.

That time was ours.

Our stage was set.

Leave it with no regrets.

You say I am an abomination..

I say fuck that

I say we both have a pair of eyes

A nose



So what if mine wander on the body of a woman

So what if my life wanders from the perfect life you wish me to lead.

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder

As is the righteousness in the path I choose to follow

No one but God can judge

But you insist

With the persistent glare at the back of my head

On judging me for how I live,


And who I love.

Who are you

Telling me which way is





The only wrong I see is in the faces of the loved ones

Waiting in the pastel polyester lounge

While the one person they cherish

lies dying in a hospital bed

While you tell them:

They aren’t allowed.

They aren’t welcome.

They are an abomination.


They aren’t the ones that followed me

To school

On the bus

With their condescending eyes

The ones that told me that love is only allowed if you are straight.

Straight to hell

I guess that’s where I’m going.


into the arms of the person I love.

If that’s hell then who needs a heaven?

Straight into

The eyes of that Lieutenant who chained himself to the White House fence

The face of a man who looks like a million dollars in his bright red lipstick

The soul of the little boy trapped inside a woman’s body


The heart of every gay







Made invalid to society by their sexuality







Turned away from serving the very country that preaches equality for all.

Turned faces

At my gaze

Stand up and stare back.

Meet my eyes and tell me I’m not a person.

Tell me that God has a plan for me.

Tell me that the only way to heaven

Is a dick in my vagina

A baby on my hip

A bible in my pocket

And a ring on my finger.

Tell me that for 20 years

My loving to please a woman is just a phase

Is unnatural.

As treatable as the common cold


Call me queer,

But I don’t buy that.

I don’t buy that god hates fags

And copulation is the only reason for sex

That rights are only reserved for the majority

Love is only right if the puzzle pieces fit

And that gender



Should determine your validity as a whole


imperfect Human being.

The only puzzle pieces that matter

Are in the personality

The way his

or her body

pours into mine like water into an ice-filled glass cup

the way

the smile

the laughter

the everything

Find their way into my heart

The way it fits perfectly

Like a tiny game of tetris.

It feels more natural



Than any touch



From any of the heterosexual bullshit

That never mattered


And never

Again will I let myself

Scrub down

Every part of me that wants a woman’s touch

Hold down

Every word I’ve wanted to yell back for my 20 years alive

Shut down

Lock down

Slow down

The pace at which I combat

Every word

Jammed in my back

Every time you scream that:

God hates fags!

No he doesn’t.

As shellfish is my witness:

I am NOT an abomination.