Friday, January 28, 2011

Grow'd up.

This coming Sunday is my birthday! 21 Years of life and I have many experiences ranging from awkward, embarrassing to proud and wonderful and everything in between :) I should be excited right? Well..


But then, when I think about all the other things that come with being older I want to curl up into myself like a caterpillar being assaulted by swarming hoards of ants. 

You think 'huh, cool anal-ogy' when really, how many times does the caterpillar ACTUALLY survive that situation? All you see is this happy, friendly little guy chomping away at a leaf, minding his own business and then BAM those little black fuckers swarm up from behind and attack.

Now imagine. That caterpillar is me. 

And the ants are all of the responsibilities that come with being an adult.

Now I would like to run, but the responsibilities will only find me again while I'm happily chomping on another blade of grass. So the only options I have are:

1. Learn how to fly. If you know how to fly then you're fucking set for LIFE. Fuck everything else. Why do you think birds are such assholes?

2. Live in a bomb shelter. Completely closed off from society where I can go crazy, never bathe, and watch as much porn as humanly possible without giving a fuck.

3. Invisibility.
No. I'm not going to draw a picture for this.

Until any of those options are actually achievable I guess I will just stay and take it, grow old, and keep going at it day by day. My bones may creak, my jokes may turn PG13, and my eye-sight may fail, and my bowels may go, and my skin might sag, and my memory may get worse, and my breasts may dangle by my knees, and....wait.

MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Poetry night. Ya know, deep stuff.

My headphones in, 
ignore the cars and the squelching of tires against wet concrete. 
The lights of apartments and late night establishments project their neon 
hues onto the wet pavement and run together 
like watercolors in a bathtub. 
The red of the stoplight glows under my feet 
and engulfs me in its blurred reflection. 
The shadow behind me belongs in this world 
revealed only by rain soaked sidewalks on cold, dark, nights like this. 
It follows me 
relentlessly waiting for me to stop. 
To sink into the greens, yellows, reds, and golds. 
Not yet. I must keep walking. 
I need the warmth and the tangible things that living life requires. 
To stop would keep me in this rain, 
cold and going nowhere. 
The beauty of these glowing streets is in the spontaneity of its appearance 
and how fleeting and momentary it remains. 
As is the enjoyment of love and life. 
The only thing we know about any thing 
is that every thing 
to an end. 
Even nights like this 
when the sidewalk bleeds green,
the puddles swim red, 
and the streets glow in purple. 
So now I'll let the sound of Fleet Foxes 
and the pounding of my tired feet
lead me home with the promise 
of a warm bed 
and things to be done tomorrow.

Monday, January 3, 2011


The part of this term I'm currently experiencing could be called the calm before the storm. A time where I have even the tiniest possible moment of down time (which I'm using for blogging). Because of how much free time I will NOT be having I probably won't be blogging as often as I used to and only when something insanely funny/interesting happens that I have time to blog about.

Right now I'm in-between classes and I decided it would be nice to enjoy sitting in one of the quiet areas in the student union on campus. Despite the quiet signs, for the past hour there's been a man on the phone and another snoring up a storm on the couch behind me. Not the cute, small, every once in a while snores..but the loud, obnoxious bear passing a kidney stone kind. This reminds me of things I greatly dislike that people do in public:

1. Making out.
      - Full on, don't care if anyone is watching, in public, for more than 30 seconds. RUDE.
2. Talking loudly on cell phones.
      - in elevators, repeating phrases as if the other person was deaf, talking about personal things.
3. Talking loudly in quiet places.
      - same as #2, interrupting people, talking over people, being RUDE.
4. Sleeping in public places. (NOT napping but actually sleeping)
      - SNORING, taking up valuable sitting places, drooling.
5. Skateboarding.
      - On sidewalks, during student rush hours when people are trying to walk, sneaking around bikers. RUDE.
6. Picking zits.
      - Especially when they bleed or the person tries to hide it by rubbing their fingers on their pants >:(
7. Sitting and/or putting their things in walkways/stairways.
      - RUDE.
8. Screaming.
9. Not bathing. Obviously not bathing..
      - You're stinking up the entire room. Please go at least cake yourself in mud to encase your horrible dirty skin/feet/armpit stench. You smell like a dirty vagina filled with fritos.
10. Chewing loudly.

Ok..well now it is time to go! Feel free to throw a brick at any or all of the people you spot in public that are doing these things. Thank you for making the world a better, less RUDE place.