Knowing this kid for the entirety of his life makes for some great stories. We were really close growing up before puberty destroyed our childhoods and if you would've seen a picture of him then, you wouldn't believe that the gigantic man-beast of today came from such humble beginnings.

During high school I think we had our biggest falling out..I can remember entire months where the only time we would see each other was during band class. It was a pretty interesting time for both of us I think because we both had a lot of growing up to do on our own. Even though I graduated a year earlier and we go to separate schools now, college is actually the time where we started getting closer. I can honestly say, I have the most bad-ass brother anyone could ask for and I am so proud of him. He is growing up to be a great man.
With that said..that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm letting him off the hook for all the shit he did when we were kids. So Nick, here is a little trip down memory lane dedicated to you and all of our shenanigans:
Story #1
When we moved up to the Northwest after years of being in Hawaii, this notion of the 'great outdoors' was foreign to us. Camping, fishing, was all so new! So we naturally didn't realize that nature doesn't exactly supply one with toilets and private bathrooms, at least Nick didn't.
One particular fishing trip we took was a very long drive and the lake was pretty secluded from any kind of road or any semblance of a bathroom. It had been a long day and we had been out on the lake since early in the morning around 6am (which is like death to a child).
A couple hours in Nick asked dad if he could have the keys to our expedition. If you don't know what a Ford Expedition is or have never been in one, then you can't possibly imagine the amazing stashing capabilities of this car. It's pretty much the Marry Poppins of sports utility vehicles. Or if Mary Poppins was a transformer..
So Nick went to the car..and stayed there...When he came back he was pretty quiet for the rest of the day and kept to himself.
During the ride home the car smelled like fish..and shit. I figured it was probably the combination of fish, and people who had spent an entire day in a car/ at a lake.

We got home we cleaned out the car, unloaded our fishy booty from our trip, and all that good stuff. One thing was still wrong, we still couldn't figure out where that smell was coming from.
About a week or two later the pungent odor de feces STILL remained in the car. That was it so Dad decided to clean out the car and try to figure out where that mysterious shit smell was coming from.
Nick's dirty, shitty spidey undies that were balled up and shoved underneath one of the folding seats.
He had shit his pants and, too embarrassed to say anything, hid them under one of the folding seats and hoped that nobody would find out. Well...we did.Of COURSE he tried to blame it on me. But the fact remains that 1. I have never owned boys super-hero undies, and 2. I was still wearing mine at the end of the trip.
To this day he still denies it. Just give it up Nick. You can't hide from this one as well as you hid the undies.
Story #2 Is EPIC. And deserves more time than my half dead/tired/just gave blood brain can handle right now. So hold onto your panaloons fellas. This one's in the works!
Much love from your older brother wanna-beee :D
Story #2
A couple summers ago the entire family decided to take a small trip over to our local amusement park: Enchanted Forest! It's pretty much what it sounds like. A B list home-made, sketchy theme park designed for toddlers and young families. It is super creepy too because all of the animatronics were designed in and haven't been updated since the 1970's. Ever. There is also an Alice in Wonderland themed area where you can crawl through a long, dark tunnel on your hands and knees where babies have thrown up and bums have probably had raunchy, drugged up sex in.
It was awesome.
There are several fantasy related segments to the park for example: Pinnochio, Fairy Land, Western Frontier (that has its own 'take a pic with Lincoln!' set up), and Humpty Dumpty/Crooked House/Old Woman Who lived in a Shoe, ect.
My dad is also the self-proclaimed "Grill Master" in the family.

(He kinda looks like a grillin Mr. T is this depiction..)
During the summer he loves to grill everything that I DON'T EAT! Which usually ends up with me grinding down carrot sticks while I watch my family scarf entire steaks dripping with tasty.
On this day the meat choice was hot dogs.
We pulled up to the theme park after a short car ride, which was when Nick first started complaining of stomach pain. He usually had pretty bad gas after dad's cooking so it wasn't anything alarming and we went about our day as planned..
We climbed through the dirty tunnel of hypodermic needles, wandered though the creepy witch-face with a huge, warty nose:
All in all, it was a blast! Until we got to Frontier Land...and the Indian Caves.
My family is very open about gas. So open, it can almost be counted as a cruelty. My dad will often fart while he is driving, lock the windows before anyone knows, and wait in sinister enjoyment for the first sniff of agony. Once we realize the stench it's too late! We are already trapped in and our screams only cause him to laugh harder.
So when we made it to the Indian caves (which are these twisty underground tunnels with shitty ventilation), Nick let out the most horrible, awful, disgusting thing to have ever secreted its way out of an anus...and disappeared.
So there I was. Lost and confused, bleeding from my eyes from the stench, and wandering around in a dimly lit underground maze of death. And Nick was nowhere to be seen.
By the time I found my way out of the tunnels the rest of the family had bought us all tickets to Nick's favorite ride: Ice Mountain! (I have no idea why the fuck it's in Frontier Land either..) It's the shittiest, ricketiest, most low-budget ride to have ever been built in some guy's back yard 40 years ago! And we loved it.
The line was always really long and Nick gets pretty annoyed at having to wait so he usually tries to get there when he wasn't the first one to grab a ticket and race to the line, I was a little worried.
So we waited...
and waited..........
Finally, after 30 minutes or so, the fam decided to spread out and start a search.
We looked through the Pinocchio area, through the Indian Tunnels again, through the gift shops...but he was nowhere to be found.
This is the moment that it hit me: Ten bucks says he sharted himself.
When I came to that realization I hurried down over to the nearest bathroom I could find and giggled a little before I lifted my hand triumphantly to knock...
Knocking lightly, I called out Nick's name to see if he was, in fact, in the bathroom. I WAS RIGHT! He answered with the most feeble "Whaaaaattt" I have ever heard in my life which was followed by a ,"Patti...I just destroyed my underpants."
With that fart he dealt me in the caves, he had blown out the contents of his uneasy intestines into his lucky underwears. (No. Really. They were his lucky undies. Shamrocks and everything.)
When he finally emerged from the bathroom he was so pale that we all decided it would be best to head home. We had gone through the entire park already anyways so it was time to go.
But, like all theme parks, Enchanted Forest was smart and put the entrance and exit right in the back of the gift shop. So whatever hapless young family tried to leave without having to give every last penny would be squeezed shamelessly by their bratty children balling over the ridiculous plastic wand with the Enchanted Forest logo printed on it.
Touche, Enchanted Forest, touche.
As we were heading through the gift shop hell I happened to pass by the counter, which had a radio device for the employees. The radio device lit up and a woman stated clearly "Pshhh Uhhmmm pshhh. We're gonna need some help over here in the men's floor level bathroom. PShhh There seems to be some fluids on the toilet seat. Pshh"