Monday, November 8, 2010

Eating in public/ Cute animals' plot to kill us.

You think that, after 2 years of college, I would've already figured out that putting papers off till the very LAST minute possible is a terrible thing to do.

To a normal person, that makes sense. But all my life I have been allergic to logic and reason so no, I STILL put things off until I get so nervous I check my facebook on my laptop..then my phone..then my laptop..and then forget what time it is. And then I get up to make coffee, realize the stove is dirty and needs to be cleaned AT THAT VERY MOMENT OTHERWISE THE EARTH'S GRAVITY WILL CEASE TO EXIST AND WE WILL ALL GET PULLED INTO SPACE LIKE HAMSTERS SUCKED INTO A VACUUM!
And then I realize that it's aready 1 am and the only thing I've done is open up a new Word document and put my name up in the top left hand corner...and clean the entire stove top.

This (not the hamster thing) happened to me Sunday night. I had to write a 400 word paper for my German class. Easy, right? NO. If you know any German, then you know how much Germans LOVE to smash multiple words together to create one giant frankenstein word. When writing an essay that depends on the number of words used, that is the least helpful thing. EVER. Germans also love to use words that describe entire ideas or a spectrum of variable meaning that depend entirely on the person's own personal interpretation of the word. Needless to say, German is one crazy language and it kicks my ass daily.

Whenever I stay up past 1am and have to wake up before 10 I look/feel like this:

So in my state of tired and stressed I ended up finally finishing my paper this morning and getting it in on time..but I still had the rest of my day to survive. I zombied through my German class, had coffee with a friend, and then had to quickly shove food into my face (thank you Vangie for the analogy :D) and hurry to my next appointment. The most perfect on-the-go food for the mentally unstable college student: The burrito. Perfect combination of tasty and satisfying wrapped in an easy to handle bundle just right for scarfing.

While racing down the street enjoying said burrito without any care in the world (basically shoving as much burrito in my mouth as humanly possible) I didn't notice 2 of the, in my opinion, hottest people at the school approaching me.

Before I noticed them I had taken the biggest bite yet out of this delectable burrito so when they waved hi to me the only answer I could muffle out sounded something like a mixture between a whale call and a walrus.

Too embarrassed to stick around and too tired/stressed to explain, I bolted..probably making me look even more mentally challenged.

Cute Animals.

I went back to my parent's house this past weekend and upon seeing my cat, all responsibilities were instantly forgotten. It's like when I'm in the middle of a conversation and I see a squirrel: I immediately forget anything I was talking about.

I was getting up to get ready for a breakfast I had to attend around 8am Sunday morning. The problem was that I had to be THERE AT 8am. I hurriedly headed upstairs to shower but the second I reached the top step I was completely sidetracked by the most adorable cat in the entire world.
I have FINALLY figured out why this is so. They plan to distract us completely from our responsibilities and take us into the cruelest form of mind control possible: cuteness.
It is mayyyyyyybe I MIGHT come back and add some to this but I'm too tired to think straight ANNND I have class tomorrow.

So, in conclusion: I will NEVER become a neurosurgeon because the second I see or think of a cute animal I will be instantaneously distracted.


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